During lockdown the organisation have been doing multiple social distancing activities to stay connected and occupied during this difficult time.
8th May 2020 – Following on from our post earlier today, Jack was featured on Granada Reports this evening!
8th May 2020 – Beginner band member, Jack, playing The Last Post in his street today! Amazing job Jack, we are very proud of you
3rd May 2020 – Paul and Zoe Lovatt Cooper have been judging our solo competition.Results will be available shortly.Thank you to you both for taking the time to listen and record your feedback.

1st May 2020 – Happy Birthday to one of the band’s management team, Katie Stubbs, from all your friends at Lions Youth Brass!
29th April 2020 – Kai Simpson, the bands principle cornet, arranged this version of Gonna Fly Now for the entire band (including tutors) to play from their own homes.
24th April 2020 – Quiz Night 2, this week hosted by Somewhere Over the RONbow. This week’s winners and the next quiz masters are The Dakins! The next quiz will be on 8th May at 7pm.

10th April 2020 – Multiple members of our organisation came together to enjoy a quiz night hosted by Charlotte Birch (Tutor) and Andrew Beattie (Youth Band member). This was a fantastic evening filled with lots of fun and laughter!
10th April 2020 – Our most recent video shows members of the band and their tutors showing their appreciation for our NHS
1st April 2020 – Charlotte Birch, a tutor of the Beginners Section, then created the Loo Roll Challenge. With toilet roll having been in notoriously short supply during COVID-19, the video sees a roll pass from one band member to another – with interesting results.
Charlotte said: “I had the idea to do the toilet roll challenge to boost morale among the band. We had a lot of fun filming the videos and putting it together.
“It was great to see so many people taking part. We never expected the video to get over 10,000 views but everyone’s reaction has been so positive.”
31st March 2020 – The first video saw members record I Wanna Be Like You from the Jungle Book. The brainchild of principal cornet player Kai Simpson, the video saw him joined by Amy Hext, Katy Stone, his sister, Elena and younger brother, Theo from the Junior Band, who acts as conductor in the video.
They each recorded their parts then sent them off to Kai, who brought them all together and turned them into the finished product.
Kai explained: “With the prospect of no band practice for what seemed like an eternity, I was keen to find a way to continue to play music together, albeit virtually.
“I wanted to arrange a fun, uplifting piece that everyone could sing along to. We all recorded our own individual parts to a click track and these were then assembled to form the finished video performance.
“With so many people stuck indoors we thought that our rendition of I Wanna Be Like You would, at the very least, put a smile on people’s faces in this unusual period of time. We really enjoyed recording the parts, playing together and hearing the end product, we are looking forward to further virtual opportunities with more members of the band in the near future.”