Lions Youth Brass Code of Conduct – Debut and Academy band members’ version

At Lions Youth Brass, we believe people should be allowed to be who they want to be. We do not accept bullying, unkindness or disrespect. We expect all band members to follow our Code of Conduct in order to create a band where we can work together, learn, make progress, perform and have fun.

As a member of the band, I understand and agree to the following:

My Commitment

  • I understand that being a member of the band involves a lot of my time and energy.
  • I will help my musical director and fellow band members by attending rehearsal and concerts, arriving at the agreed time, practising outside of rehearsals and helping to set up and take down equipment before and after rehearsals and performances. I will also listen and concentrate during rehearsals and concerts and try my hardest to learn from my musical director and tutors.
  • If I can’t come to a concert or rehearsal, or I am going to be late, I will ask my parents or carers to let my musical director know as soon as possible by text or telephone or in person.
  • When I am representing the band at concerts and other events, I will behave well so that the band always looks professional and gives its best performance. This includes while I am performing but also at other time such as during intervals or when the other bands are performing.
  • I will work as part of a team, including working hard to get on with other band members.  I will act kindly and respectfully towards other band members and people I may meet at performances. 
  • I understand that everything I say and do reflects on the band.
  • I will treat people equally, regardless of how good they are at playing, where they sit in the band, what they look like, what they believe or how they choose to live their lives.

My Behaviour

  • I understand that we have a responsibility to look out for each other and keep each other safe.
  • I understand that poor behaviour and bad language will not be accepted.  This includes at rehearsals, as well as concerts.
  • I understand that I must behave according to the band’s rules and expectations.
  • If I am worried about the behaviour or safety of another member, I will tell an adult as soon as possible.
  • I will always have my music folder with me for rehearsals and concerts.  
  • I will arrive in time to help with with the setting up and packing away of chairs, stands and equipment at rehearsals and concerts, and I will not leave afterwards until everything has been put away.
  • I will come to concerts dressed smartly in my band uniform.

 Expected Behaviours

  • Treat each other with respect, dignity, kindness and fairness.
  • Encourage and support each other.
  • Be punctual.
  • Practise.
  • Help each other.
Unacceptable Behaviours
Hitting or hurting another band member on purpose. This includes hitting, kicking, pinching, spitting and scratching. Shouting or swearing at another band member or adult. Making another band member feel bad on purpose. Bullying another band member or making rude or unkind comments either about our band or any other. This includes social media.

Looking after property

  • I will keep my uniform clean and smart.
  • If I borrow an instrument from Lions, my parents will need to sign to confirm what I have borrowed.  
  • I will look after my instrument, keeping it clean and working well.  I will tell Jane, Katie or Derek about any damage or worries about my instrument. I will keep my instrument in a safe place. If I wish to take my instrument anywhere other than band rehearsals, concerts or my music lesson (for example to school) I will ask for permission from Jane first.
  • If I leave the band, I will return any instrument I have borrowed and my music folder.
  • I will keep my music folder tidy and bring it to every rehearsal and concert.

 Personal Appearance

I will follow the band’s dress code and keep a smart and tidy appearance when performing.

Junior Band Before and after performing: White, long-sleeved shirt Junior band tie Junior band waistcoat Black, school-type trousers (not leggings or tracksuit bottoms) Black socks (that cover the ankles) Black, polished shoes Junior band fleece   During performances:   Junior band bow tie (provided on the day and returned after performing)   Appearance:   Long hair to be tied back with a black bobble No nail varnish Earrings to be small stud-style only No make up   Beginner Band:   White, long-sleeved shirt Beginner band waistcoat Black, school-type trousers (not leggings or tracksuit bottoms) Black socks (that cover the ankles) Black, polished shoes   Beginner band bow tie is provided for performances and returned afterwards.   Appearance:   Long hair to be tied back with a black bobble No nail varnish Earrings to be small stud-style only 

Breaking the Code of Conduct (for parents’ information)

If a member of the band does not follow this code of conduct or breaks any of the band’s rules, the committee will investigate and take action to protect the safety and reputation of the band and its members.

During the investigation, the band committee will gain the information they need.  A meeting will then take place between members of the committee and the member involved and their parent(s) or representative(s).  During this meeting, the member will be given full opportunity to put across their case.  The committee will then consider any action that may be needed to protect the reputation and safety of the band and band members.  The member involved has the right to appeal against a committee decision.  This appeal should be made in writing to the committee within 14 days of being informed of the outcome of the investigation.

The committee will only dismiss band members as a last resort after trying to resolve any difficulties or disputes in a more constructive way. However, if the behaviour or alleged behaviour of a band member may be a risk to the safety and wellbeing of children, young people or adults either in the band or in the wider community, then safeguarding procedures will be followed immediately, and relevant authorities such as the police and social services will be informed. 

All children and young people attending the band will be made aware of this Code of Conduct and it will be explained to them with a parent/guardian present if necessary.  Their parent/guardian is to confirm that they have seen, understood and agree to follow it.  They must also be made aware of the consequences if they breach the code, as outlined below: 

  1. If a band member does not follow the Code of Conduct, the most appropriate sanction for a minor or first time breach will be to remind him/her about the Code of Conduct, explain what they have done wrong and ask them to follow the Code of Conduct in future.  Band members will be given the opportunity to think about their actions, enabling them to plan a positive response, with support from mentors. 
  2. If, having followed the above step, the band member continues to behave in the wrong way, she/he will be asked to speak to a senior committee member who will give them a formal warning.  A plan will be made for ways to support the band member to behave in a more appropriate way in future.  The action will be recorded and parents/carers informed. 
  3. Further/persistent inappropriate behaviour will result in a more serious sanction being imposed (e.g. a suspension from taking part in concerts and/or rehearsals for a specified amount of time). Again, a plan will be made for ways to support the band member to behave in a more appropriate way in future.  The action will be recorded and parents/carers informed. 
  4. If interventions are not effective in helping the band member to change his/her behaviour, a further warning may be needed, along with further sanctions.  At this point, the band will discuss options with their parent/carer and may seek help from others.

Disciplinary actions

The band may have to take disciplinary action against band members who repeatedly or intentionally fail to follow our Code of Conduct.  Disciplinary actions will vary depending on what has happened and will be discussed and decided by the Chair with the support of the committee.

Possible disciplinary action includes:

  • Verbal/written warnings
  • Suspension from concerts and/or rehearsals for an agreed amount of time
  • Instant dismissal from the band

As mentioned above, if the behaviour or alleged behaviour of a band member may pose a risk to the safety and wellbeing of children, young people or adults either in the band or in the wider community, then safeguarding procedures will be followed as soon as the allegation or concern comes to light, and relevant authorities such as the police and social services may be informed.

Code of Conduct Adopted/Reviewed April 2024 

Signed by (Print):  Charlotte Parker (Chairperson)

                                 Helen Brooks (Safeguarding Officer)