We welcome all young people to come and join Lions Youth Brass. No brass playing experience is necessary, just a willingness to try your hardest, and regularly attend rehearsals and playing engagements. Membership is £10 per month which includes the loan of an instrument, tuition and uniform.
We have a progressive system which allows players to join as absolute beginners from the age of 6 upwards and advance through our Debut, Academy and Youth bands up to the age of 18 years.
We rehearse at Sandbach School, Crewe Road Sandbach, every Tuesday night, and we are very proud of our close working relationship with the school. See “The Link” for the other facilities available at the school.
Contact us at lionsyouthbrass@yahoo.co.uk or call our Chairperson, Charlotte, on 077608670487.
If you already play a brass or percussion instrument and want to join a band please contact us and we will assign you to the right band depending on your experience and ability. However, while some musical knowledge is helpful you do not need to have played an instrument before to join; you don’t even need to have an instrument.
If you are a beginner you will be offered the choice of any of the brass band instruments. One of our debut band tutors will take you out for a few lessons to start which will helps players settle into the band.
The loan of an instrument is provided as part of the subscription (£10pm) and the instrument is upgraded to match each player’s progress through our sections.
Once you join you will be surprised how quickly you make new friends as you work as a team to improve your playing and enjoy a wide range of music and activities. If you are interested, take the first step today and get in touch.
A number of our conductors and tutors are also private tutors. Private lessons can only be organised with them directly and are not associated with Lions Youth Brass