Appendix 2
Lions Youth Brass – Guidelines on the Use of Social Media
It is recognised that the internet provides unique opportunities to promote our band, including performances, using a wide variety of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. These guidelines aim to protect individuals within the band and to encourage them to take responsibility for what they write, exercise good judgment and common sense. Inappropriate use of social media can pose risks to the band’s reputation and can jeopardise compliance with legal obligations.
Band Websites and Social Media pages
We will always gain permission prior to posting images of band members on official websites and social media pages. This permission is obtained through the membership form. Permission can be withdrawn at any time by written application to the band’s Chair or Safeguarding Officer.
Personal details such as phone numbers and email addresses will not be posted on the internet without the permission of the individual.
We will always consider the age range of band members when posting images and comments on pages and ensure that these are appropriate and in keeping with the band’s ethos.
Social media sites have different levels of security in relation to openness to the public and setting restrictions that do not allow posts to be shown without approval. Our site is managed in the most appropriate way for ensuring the safety and security of our members.
Individuals within the Band
Adult officers, musical directors and volunteers will not be social media friends with children and young people who are members of the band, unless there is a direct family relationship or friendship. This is particularly important with social media forms that allow individual private communication.
Any content which raises a safeguarding concern will be reported to the Band Safeguarding Officer using the procedure outlined in the band’s safeguarding procedures.