Lions Youth Brass Child Protection Policy December 2016  

1. Introduction

Lions Youth Brass accepts that their Child Protection Policy will address the following points:

1.1  Adopt a policy on safeguarding the welfare of young people and its members.

1.2  Make all children and young people aware that they may talk with an independent person.

1.3 Introduce and apply agreed procedures for protecting young people to all volunteers associated with the bands.

1.4  Introduce and issue guidelines to all volunteers on how to deal with any disclosure or discovery of abuse.

1.5  Identify any areas of training for its volunteers, relating to implementation and administration of policy procedures in the prevention of child abuse.

1.6 Follow the Child Protection guidelines issued by the Brass Bands England Federation.

2. Youth Brass Child Protection Policy Statement

Lions Youth Brass Management Committee / Trustees and all Volunteers associated with the band, will check that we:

2.1 safeguard the welfare and well-being of the children and young people linked to our group.

2.2 provide a safe environment where children and young people are always listened to and encouraged to talk about themselves, their family, their lives and experiences or concerns they might have.

2.3 recognise that children and young people may suffer abuse in many forms – Physical, Sexual, Emotional and/or Neglect.

3. Behaviour Statement:

3.1 We always:

  • treat children and young people with respect
  • treat all volunteers with respect and set an example for others to follow
  • will be non-judgmental when dealing with children and young people and respect their individual rights.
  • respect the ‘right to privacy’.
  • show tolerance towards children, young people and volunteers.
  • recognise and encourage the achievements of band members.
  • remember that insults or verbal abuse from anyone will not be tolerated and need to be challenged.
  • will be vigilant when dealing with a sensitive matter or situation.
  • will always be aware of the possible implications of physical contact with children and young people. We recognise that our actions, no matter how well intended, might be misinterpreted.
  • check that other adults are present when we are assisting children and young people with uniform change.
  • make sure that all children and young people are supervised at all times by at least one responsible adult, particularly when they are waiting for and after band practice sessions, concerts, competitions, or auditions.
  • make sure that at least one committee member, or parent, is present with the Musical Director when additional rehearsal or workshops are held.  The committee member or parent will be provided with a copy of the Emergency Contact list for all players. The list must not be disclosed to any third party or organisation.  If a committee member or parent is not available the additional rehearsal must be cancelled.
  • check that reasonable precautions are taken to protect children and young people from ‘outsiders’ in particular when attending venues for competitions or concerts.
  • inform someone of our whereabouts and use a rehearsal room with a window, with a member of the Committee or parent nearby outside if 1:1 or small group tuition is required. All Lions Youth Brass musical directors, tutors and volunteers have been checked by the organisations safeguarding procedures and have the total support from the committee of trustees. It is therefore unnecessary to have another adult present when 1–1 instruction or audition is required unless this is requested by a parent or the MD / Tutor believes it may be appropriate. Young people can get nervous playing if too many people are observing them and this must always be considered in such circumstances.
  • will make sure a member of the Committee or parent is present if 1:1 tuition is being provided by someone from outside the organisation.
  • will seek advice whenever in doubt.
  • make sure that players will not take part in any activity if we believe there may be a health & safety risk to anyone in the organisation.

3.2  We do not;

  • allow bullying
  • allow children or young people to feel “down trodden” or to be made a “fool of” by anyone.
  • make suggestive remarks, gestures or detrimental comments in the presence of children and young people.
  • respond with negativity or sarcasm.
  • allow ourselves to be drawn into any situation which might appear improper.
  • jump to conclusions


4. Photographs / Videos

Official photographs and videos of the band may be used to publicise and promote the band for such purposes as; the Lions official web site, Lions Face Book page, CD covers, DVDs, brochures, newspaper articles etc.  Parents will be given the opportunity to state if they do not wish their children’s photos to be used for such purposes.  Individual players should not be identified by tagging on the Lions Face Book page.

5. Actions statement for suspected abuse:

We will be proactive at all times and be ready to recognise the signs and symptoms.  If we suspect, or if informed that a child or young person is experiencing abuse, we never try to investigate further. We will always refer to the guidelines as set out for reporting an allegation and seek further advice from Cheshire East First Contact Services.  We do not pass judgement on what is said.  We will try and reassure the child or young person.  We do not ask questions about what we might suspect.  We make it clear that we are available to listen and can offer support but that we MUST pass on the information.

6. Administration of policy:

6.1 Lions Youth Brass recognises the importance of the implementation of a Child Protection Policy.  It has therefore identified a nominated person who is not involved with music tuition.  Helen Brooks (Child Protection Officer) will be responsible for co-ordinating the Child Protection Policy and monitoring its implementation in practice.

6.2 The Lions Youth Brass Child Protection Policy will be reviewed on an annual basis.

7. Admission of new volunteers, committee members / trustees

7.1 All new volunteers, committee members / trustee members of Lions Youth Brass must also complete an application and declaration form (Appendix B) which will provide the following:

  • Name, address, date of birth.
  • Details of any previous experience of working with children/young people.
  • Details of any convictions for criminal offences against children, including “spent” convictions (Rehabilitation of Offences Act (exemptions) order 1975)
  • Permission to carry out a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) disclosures check.

7.2 Discriminations and Barring Service (DBS) checks will be taken up on all new Lions Youth Brass volunteers.  DBS Disclosures carried out for other organisations may be accepted, if they have been carried out within the last 5 years.

8. Private Tuition

Musical Directors and Tutors who provide private tuition to members of Lions Youth Brass must make it clear to parents that such private arrangements are not made with Lions Youth Brass and are not covered by the Lions Youth Brass procedures, insurance or use of Sandbach School.

9. Position of trust and possible abuse

Musical Directors, Tutors and volunteers will have a “relationship of trust” with the young people attending Lions Youth Brass.  A “relationship of trust” is defined in law as where an adult (18 years or older) has power or authority in a young person’s life (under 18 years) and may have a key influence on their future, by the nature of their role within an organisation.  A person aged 18 or over is also said to be in a position of trust in relation to a younger person if they advise or train them.

This power or influence might be abused to persuade and encourage or intimidate a child or young person into certain behaviours or activities.  All people in the organisation must recognise the responsibility they have to make sure they do not abuse their positions of trust.

The Sexual Offences Act (2003) re-enacts and extends the abuse of relationship / position of trust offences set out in the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act (2000)6.  It is a criminal offence for anyone working in an education setting to have a sexual relationship with a young person, even when the young person is over the age of consent but under 18 years of age.

10. Reporting allegations

If an allegation is made, or concerns are raised, the person in receipt of the alleged allegation shall make a record as detailed in Appendix A:

Lions Youth Brass will report any allegations to;

  1. Cheshire East Council First Contact Services 0300 123 5033
  2. CEC Children Assessment Team (via First Contact Services) 0300 123 5012 (M-Th 8.30 to 5pm, Fr to 4.40pm) Out of hours   0300 123 5022
  3. Police 101


Click here to download a copy of the policy, including appendices.

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