On Wednesday, we were woken up and headed off to Beverly. Our first concert was in Beverly Minster. What a beautiful acoustic! The sound after the last note lasted for seven seconds! Many band members say that it is the nicest place that they have ever played in.
We had a lovely lunch however there were no crisps, due to Leanne losing her phone down the side of the bed and Jane being preoccupied all morning! After all the fuss, all it took was one swipe of a hanger from Julian to save the day.
Then we went to our second concert. This was at a garden party where the audience enjoyed our playing and the band enjoyed strawberries and cream, then cake! Half way through our second set, Nigel made a comment about missing out on the strawberries. So the hilarious owner of the house went to get him some which he stood and ate (giving the band a break!).
When we arrived back at our accommodation, we were informed that tonight was “Talent Night”. Oh dear… Before the show we enjoyed curry and sweet & sour, followed by a healthy portion of angel delight. The winners of the talent show were Amy Hext and Cerys Smedley, with their tap routine “Beat Box”. The runners up were Hannah Taylor the future stand up comedian, and Mel, Sophie and Emma Stone with the “Mel the Genius” quiz about members of the organisation.
After the show we enjoyed our last hot chocolate and headed off to bed.
Ella & Leanne